Wednesday, December 30, 2009

some things will always be as important as they have been

Girl time is important. Even when you're making it on your own in the big, scary world, and you just wrote your first student loan check, being with your girls and talking about boys and food and everything is the bright spot in your week. You even love your girls so much that you drive over the river to get lemon curd so you can finally make those lemon squares you've been wanting to attempt. And sometimes you're just talking to your roommate, who is so much like the girl you want to be at her age, and you have the same worries and you laugh at the same people. I'm sure it's the same for guys, they need guy time, too. But I can't even put into words how blissfully happy I am right now surrounded by my girlfriends, talking about every little thing and putting everything out on the coffee table. Much thanks to Charity, Susie, Hannah, and Emily for making my day fabulous.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

"I'm getting older, too"

In a legal sense, you become an adult at age twenty-one, so for all intents and purposes I have been an adult for over a year now. Here are some things I've discovered about what being an adult means.

-Being petulant isn't cute anymore, people just think you are childish.
-The holidays are what you make them.
-You can't always get what you want.
-You realize that life is getting shorter everyday, so you don't have time to be shy, pretend to like people you don't, or keep secrets.
-Spending time with younger people makes you feel younger and better so you try to do it whenever you can.
-Alone time is very important.
-Sleep is also very important.

I think I'm going to work on that last one right now. Merry Christmas!

"There's so much time to figure out the rest of my life, and you've already got me coming undone."

Friday, December 18, 2009

pura vida

It helps me get through the days to look at pictures of Playa Samara, where I will be living in Costa.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

what do you do when the honeymoon phase is over?

"It's over. It's so over." - Meredith Grey

We all go through honeymoon phases, with people, places, things. We are blissfully and ignorantly happy and living in the moment, every moment, not thinking of the big, scary future. And then, eventually, the shine begins to wear off and aspects that were initially enchanting become tedious and frustrating. What was once so easy and carefree slowly starts seeming like work, and you notice things you never noticed before, like chipping paint or funny smells. So what do you do when when the honeymoon is over? There was something that attracted your attention in the first place, but how do you hold onto that when you are overwhelmed with evidence to the contrary? What if you don't want to hold onto the warm fuzzies at all...but you can't let them go? Do you cut and run or stay and fight?

Friday, December 11, 2009

it's been a year for firsts

And this is my first blog. A wise friend told me that I should blog, and I need to practice before I leave for Costa Rica.

So can we talk about Glee? It was amazing and I wanted to cry and laugh and I may have shouted at my television a little bit out of joy, but the ending was almost too perfect. I for one really appreciated the middle bit where life was tough and "you can't always get what you want" and "sometimes being special sucks". But it's television, not real life. Real life is messy, and in all honesty, Glee has been messy for the whole season. Maybe even fictional characters deserve a break. (My favorite part was when Finn found out that Quinn's baby wasn't his, I totally did the fist pump.)

This is all.