I keep meaning to update, but when you have to walk twenty minutes to get internet, it kinda jacks up your blog schedule. I'm having serious procrastination issues right now when I should be working on my lesson plan for class tomorrow. I feel like I'm on Grey's Anatomy: I got the first solo class! I don't know if it means anything, but I think it's kind of exciting--I'm teaching likes and dislikes to the Beginner I class tomorrow from 3:30-5. I've already team-taught two classes mostly successfully and without injuring my partner (don't get me started on her, I could go on for hours about my feelings toward her). It's really weird to think that I've already been in class for a week; it's actually been really interesting. And I've always loved being in school, because I'm actually really good at being a student. I'm settling in and adjusting a little better everyday, but I'm going to be really excited to come home, I already know it.
Here are some fun facts about Samara and Costa Rica for you.
-A week ago today they elected their new president--Laura Chinchilla. Yes, a woman.
-At least here in Samara, there is no hot water and the plumbing system cannot take toilet paper, so that goes in the trash can. Kinda weird, tough to get used to.
-Last week it poured overnight. It was the first time in at least a month and a half that they've had any rain.
-Modesty goes out the window when the average high everyday is 97 degrees Fahrenheit.
-Costa Rican drivers don't like to share the road with anyone. You can tell foreign drivers apart because they will give you space on the road instead of driving right at you.
-I have learned that they get shows like Glee and American Idol, just behind the States (I saw Charity on Hollywood Week last night and got to brag to all my housemates!).
-You think it's easy to get distracted during class at home? Try ignoring the monkeys playing in the trees right outside the window.
-It's cheaper to buy fruits and veggies from the stand on the side of the road than in the store. I got a mango and two bananas for about $1 U.S. the other day. I'm totally spoiled on produce forever now.
-Ticos love foreign women, particularly tall ones, skinny ones, and blondes. I'm safe.
-The national tree of Costa Rica is the Guanacaste tree, after which the province I'm living in is named.
That's it. I've had a killer headache and I'm about out of ibuprofen, and I seriously need to finish this lesson plan because there is no time tomorrow before I teach.