"let's stay together 'till we're ghosts"
That lyric is from the Drake song "Fireworks", the song isn't one of my favorites but it's catchy and I love that line.
Check me out, posting twice in one month! March is almost over and we're barely over a quarter of the way into the semester; the students are having such a tough time staying motivated, especially since learning that the course (2 semesters) is only worth 1 credit. Of course, I'm still learning as I go, constantly going back through my TEFL textbook and noticing stuff, being reminded of things I should work on improving.
We (as foreign teachers) have kinda been bucking against the administration because of how restricted our travel is--technically, we can't travel Monday through Friday, even though not one of us teaches every day of the week. We're going to see about getting that fixed next year in the contract, because if they expect us to travel during the national holidays when every Chinese citizen travels, they are crazy.
In more exciting news, there are trips on the horizon. First, tomorrow some of the teachers are heading south to the Hunan Botanical Garden, where the cherry blossoms are supposed to be in season. Next month, on Easter weekend, Amy and I will be going to Chengdu where we plan on holding pandas! Finally, my mom and Keenan are very close to buying their tickets to come visit me this summer! I haven't hit major trip planning mode yet, but we will be hitting at least 5 cities as of now in 2 weeks, including Beijing where I will at last get to see the Great Wall. If pandas go well next month, we'll be heading out that way, because that's what they really want to do.
To close, I would like to put in a plug for mine and my friends' Flickr accounts, where you can see our photos from all over the world. I am at www.flickr.com/photos/meimei09/ , and Jason and Katie are at www.flickr.com/photos/28398373@N07/ and www.flickr.com/photos/katiea48/ , respectively. Jason takes pictures of all the food we eat, and he has really nice camera equipment. Enjoy, and check often!